Mission Statement
Develop and promote New Hampshire, domestically and internationally, as a preferred destination in order to increase visitor expenditures, business activity and employment throughout the state.
Specific Division goals include:
- Increase travel-related expenditures at tourism properties and other key industry sectors through targeting of overnight visitors vs. day-trippers. Focus more promotional efforts on specific markets including consumers (both international and domestic), business meetings and conventions, tour operators and travel agents.
- Provide the traveling public with up-to-date information, advice and education about the diverse range of visitor opportunities in the state.
- Facilitate communication with the New Hampshire travel industry on all matters relating to the Division's objectives and operations.
- Encourage partnerships among the tourism industry, communities and state/local officials to leverage the state's promotional budget and to facilitate statewide cooperative programs that can be used by those involved in the travel industry.
- Work with businesses to ensure that New Hampshire maintains a high-quality visitor experience by advising the industry on ways to attract and retain visitors using events, diverse getaways, itineraries and packages.
- Develop programs to encourage and promote tourism development throughout the state, concentrating on non-capacity constrained assets. Raise awareness of the benefits of the visitor industry to New Hampshire residents, businesses and governments.