Media & Public Relations
Activity: NH Tourism News & Announcements compilation
Description: Leverage DTTD's domestic and international media relations efforts via quarterly "What's New" roundups. A full report is sent to hundreds of top media worldwide. Information is used extensively throughout the year in various media marketplaces (inc TMAC and IPW), in ongoing media pitches, in press kits, and for general ongoing idea generation.
Date: Quarterly
Fee: N/A
Contact: Kris Neilsen: [email protected]
Activity: Hot Tips E-Blasts
Description: Hot Tips is distributed via email to industry partners when DTTD receives an urgent media request; partners are encouraged to respond to all relevant leads.
Date: As needed
Fee: N/A
Contact: Kris Neilsen: [email protected]
Activity: Media Familiarization Tours
Description: Reach media through familiarization tours with journalists from travel, lifestyle print, broadcast and online publications. This program relies on in-kind assistance from industry partners.
Date: As needed
Fee: N/A
Contact: Kris Neilsen: [email protected]
Activity: Media Receptions
Description: Special events for leading media in Boston, New York, Montreal, Toronto, and London. Participation includes: regional DMO representation, giveaways, displays, announcements, specials, etc.
Date: TBD
Fee: N/A
Contact: Kris Neilsen: [email protected]